All Awin reports are found under the same tab in your publisher profile.
To access, log into your profile, hover over the Reports tab and select your report of choice. Alternatively, click directly on the Reports tab to see a list of all available reports, with a brief description of each.
Date range options include Today, Week, Month, or Year. Whichever of these options you select is what that report will generate. To change the data shown across a time period, simply update the date range and the report will refresh.
These reports allow you to track all aspects of your activity on the Awin network through multiple, different views. Furthermore, each report allows for filtering and customisation of the data shown to get an accurate representation of exactly what you are looking for.
Advertiser Performance
The Advertiser Performance Report allows you to generate a report detailing the performance of advertisers that you are promoting. You can get full information about this report by visiting: Advertiser Performance Report – Awin
Performance Over Time
The Performance Over Time Report details your performance on all programmes or particular programmes set over a set period of time. You can get full information on this report here: Performance Over Time Report
Creative Performance
The Creative Performance Report details the performance of your creatives over a set period of time. You can get full information about this report by going to the article: Creative Performance
Click References
The Click References Report gives you the ability to track the sale back to the exact link the visitor used to find that advertiser. You can get full information about this report by going to the article: Click References Report
Affiliate Transactions Report. In this report you will see the details of each of your registered transactions.
You can get full information about this report by going to the article: Publisher Transaction Report
Product Performance
The Product Performance Report details product level reporting on all relevant programmes over a set period of time.
Commission Group Performance
The Commission Group Report allows you to see how each commission group is performing.
You can get full information about this report by going to the article: Commission Group Performance Report
Device Performance
Device Performance Reports allows you to compare the performance of different devices.
You can get full information about this report by going to the article: Device Performance
A list to date of all payments received and broken down into self-billing invoices.
Also, see the articles How can I access self-billing invoices? to find all the information on self-billing invoices and How can I see which transactions will be included in my next payment? to understand which transactions are included in each payment.
The last step is to understand the Awin payment process, for more information, click here.
By: Lois Jones